As interest in politics and elections have grown over the years, so has the need for data-driven news and analysis. DDHQ News Network was created to identify and promote individuals and organizations doing informative analysis of elections, primarily from a data driven, non-partisan perspective.

In addition to hosting DDHQ editorial content such as our news site, a verified Twitter account with over 350K followers, and our 250K member and growing email newsletter list, we are working to use our platform to bring greater visibility to under-recognized talent. As part of the network, partner sites can carry DDHQ ads to increase revenue and benefit from exposure on our platforms to drive traffic and interest in their work.
Check out our Elections Daily blog for more elections-related news

Decision Desk HQ News Network is the vehicle through which with DDHQ is investing and acquiring ownership of sites with unique perspectives and voices.
Every week, more than 250,000 readers, including many political insiders and opinion elite, receive our free emailed newsletter. ProPublica, New York Times, and Washington Post veteran Derek Willis covers campaign finance, election administration and more - anything and everything related to campaigns and elections.